Saturday, 24 February 2018

Letting go. . .

        Most of my posts are either about personal experience or something a friend inspired to write it. This post is friend inspired (S).

         Sometimes in life you KNOW that for your sanity and your wellbeing on a whole you just need to get rid of some things from your life, whether that being a person, a thought etc. You just know when some things aren't for you. When you realise you're getting more of a headache from a situation why are you allowing yourself to still be in the said situation? Is it worth your sanity ? NO, it isn't. Sometimes you are holding onto something simply because you are accustomed to it and it seems to have become a norm for you. NO. That should not be the case at all.

Some situations aren't worth your attention. Get over your pride and simply do what is BEST for you.You may think you're doing the best for whoever else it may be but you know what? SELF PRESERVATION IS KEY ! Study yourself first ! think is this working for me? AM I HAPPY? Answered no to any of these? You know what you need to do, get rid of whatever it is! Somethings you can sit and talk about what's bothering you but talking only goes so far. You talked and saw no results start running for the hills ! 

I KNOW letting go is hard to do, however, sometimes you just need to. Think about what the image is saying. 
"Don't let someone feel comfortable disrespecting you." - Some person on google. 

P.S I've hardly blogged because I am really trying to work on getting A's this semester. 

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