Saturday, 16 December 2017

"Grow up" "Goals"

         How often have you heard those two words? How does one even do this ? What does it mean to "grow up". With 4 more days until my 19th birthday, I'm forced to ask myself, have I actually "grown'. Growth can be physical, mental and or emotional. Which do we speak of? Funny enough, when we were all much younger the one thing we wanted to do the most was to "grow up". I don't know about you but I personally wish I was as carefree as I was when I was 6/7, but as fate and reality would have it, that won't ever happen.
          Everyone, will "grow up" at their own pace. I personally think that to "grow up" takes courage. To know what you want in life is a courageous act, we all have goals (heck I listed mine in the previous post) but are those goals short term or long term? I would say my goals currently are pretty short term. Take some time now to think and ask yourself "WHAT ARE MY GOALS? WHAT AM I DOING TO ACHIEVE THESE GOALS?" Now let's be realistic, don't have goals you KNOW cannot be achieved.... An unrealistic "goal" of mine would be all A's this semester, I say unrealistic because I know I did not put in enough work to actually achieve that. Now I would say all A's in my 1st semester would be a dream, not a goal. What is the difference you may ask, for ME a dream is something you wish would happen but never take the necessary steps to actually get there (like you telling that one person you've been practically stalking for months how much you care for them, going to Paris etc.) a goal however, I believe this is something you put your mind to and set out to do this. You put all necessary measures in place to actually get the end result you aimed for.
         Physical growth? My physical growth would have to be that I no longer look like an old potato (no I will not insert a photo here). AMEN FOR PUBERTY!
         Mental growth? This is a tough one, I may not have had the mental growth that most people my age has mainly because we all go through situations in life to make us the way we are. I do know though I have grown mentally, not to the "I don't give a f*ck" point mainly because I just think that's a stupid mind-set to have, but who am I to judge?
          Emotional growth? I think this should just go hand in hand with your mental growth. WITH THE EXCEPTION of HAPPINESS ! "Why are you always smiling?" "You always seem so happy" Why frown when I can smile? Why must I wear my problems on my face? No don't do that. No one needs to know when you're sad or going through something. You do not need to wear your problems on your face. ALSOOOO, IT IS ABSOLUTELY OKAY TO JUST SIT AND CRY ! We all have different reasons as to why we would be crying and you know what ?! Let no one tell you "You're too big to be crying" If your only way of escape from this world for a couple of minutes is to cry, then do just that !

1 comment:

  1. Yuppp... it does take courage to grow up. To grow up is to change. We as humans fear change the most. So it does take alot to grow up and courage is very important if we are willing to accept that change.
